Wolfram Research Mathematica v10.0.1

Wolfram Research, one of the world's most respected computer, web, and cloud software companies—as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation, announce the update of a major new version of Mathematica 10.0. New release adds numerous feature and performance improvements to the host of new functions, areas of coverage, and deepened capabilities introduced in Version 10.

Launching Mathematica 10— with 700+ New Functions and a Crazy Amount of R&D (Wolfram Blog)It's said to be the greatest jump in the functionality ever.

The new functions include, machine learning, geometric computation, geographic computation.

You may calculate the photograph of the Yorkshire Terrier ;-), quickly draw the map of France on a parabola, or solve differential equations with 100,000+ solutions (Mathematica 11 will raise it up to \(10^{500}\) solutions which will kill all the individuals screaming that the landscape is intractable).

There are huge new algorithmic capabilities in Mathematica 10 in graph theory, image processing, control theory and lots of other areas. And you may find hundreds of similar sentences in Wolfram's description. Each sentence corresponds to a googolplex of new functions and tricks that Mathematica 10 can do for you.

What new in Mathematica 10.0.1

- Image processing updates and enhancements, including new image effects, Image3D options for WatershedComponents, and built-in color support for Nearest and FindClusters
- Simplified SendMail syntax for easier usability
- New operators and compositions of operators enabled for associations functions such as Dataset and Query
- RLink compatibility update for R 3.1.
- New Interpreter types such as Beach, CountryClass, OilField, and Reef
- New optimizations, supported inputs, and path types for geographic computation and regions
- Machine learning functions Classify and Predict now support NeuralNetwork as a built-in classification method
- Stability and performance improvements for smoother user interface experience on all platforms
- Improved coverage of supported types in SemanticImport and optimizations for handling anonymous columns, empty fields, headerless data, and import of files with long file names
- Updates and improvements to a wide range of areas including weather data, associations, symbolic integration, and measure computations over implicit regions
- Stability and performance updates for select plot and chart types and for numerical solvers including NDSolve, ParametricNDSolve, SparseArray, and MatrixExp
- Compatibility update for InterpolatingFunction saved with Version 9 and earlier

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